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A viagem começa...não ainda. The journey begins...not yet. Due to some logistical difficulties, my research trip to Brazil has been postponed until spring 2016. From one perspective, this was a bit disappointing since these plans have been in the works for almost ten months now. On the other hand, the change in departure date has made some things a lot simpler for me. Instead of taking a break to go to Brazil during my last year as a Master's student, I'll now be able to finish and defend my thesis, leave the U.S. with no loose ends to tie up upon my return, and maybe even visit IN PERSON! some universities that I'm considering for a PhD program. That would be novel for me, to actually see the new place I'm living before arriving in a car packed full to the brim with belongings on moving day. Hmm, I wonder what that's like... So, what does that mean I'm actually doing this fall? Well, aside from working on that thesis manuscript and applying for PhD programs, I'll be serving as a Teaching Assistant for an introductory biology course for biology majors. I just completed a week's worth of training on topics ranging from academic misconduct to how to give constructive writing feedback to time management. Overall, I have to admit that I actually enjoyed (or, towards the end of the week, at least appreciated) most of these trainings. Soon, it will be time to put them into practice!

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